For all their grace and agility, birds face serious challenges in getting into the air, staying there, and landing safely. Among their many
adaptations is the single weight-saving feature that only birds possess - feathers.
01:30 |
Streaked Shearwater climbs trees to launch, nests in woodland (Japan) |
03:05 |
Ringneck Dove jumps off ground |
03:40 |
Waved Albatross taxies along "runway", glides |
06:45 |
Great Knot flapping |
07:25 |
Mallard flying |
08:00 |
Osprey catches fish facing forward to reduce drag |
09:20 |
Great White Pelican in synchronized formation flying |
11:00 |
Griffon Vulture sails on thermals (Spain) |
12:20 | Attenborough in glider |
14:10 |
Brown Pelican landing |
14:30 |
Whooper Swan landing on water |
15:00 | Albatross crash landing |
15:40 | Griffon Vulture lands on cliff |
16:10 |
Golden Eagle light weight beak, bones, feathers; preens |
19:05 |
Sword-billed Hummingbird combs feathers with foot |
19:30 |
Lesser Flamingo preening and bathing |
20:50 |
Quail dust bathing |
21:30 |
White Cockatoo has powder feathers |
22:20 |
Crow anting by landing on nest |
24:10 |
Peregrine Falcon diving |
24:55 |
Barn Owl silent flight |
26:50 |
Common Kestrel hovering |
28:20 | Hummingbird figure-of-8 beating |
30:20 |
Andean Hillstar hibernates (torpor) in cave (Andes) |
31:45 |
Giant Hummingbird feeds on cactus |
32:30 |
Purple-throated Woodstar can beat wings 75 times/sec (Ecuador) |
33:00 |
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth (south England) |
33:20 |
Snow Goose chicks (northern Canada) |
35:00 |
Western Sandpiper probes for worms in mud (Arctic) |
35:25 |
Dickcissel feeds young (prairie) |
36:10 |
Red-tailed Hawk chick |
37:20 | Western Sandpipers migrate to same patch in Panama |
38:20 | Hawks and Vultures need thermals to migrate as far south as Argentina |
39:10 |
Snow Goose can navigate by stars at night; migrate to California |
42:15 | Western Sandpipers in Mexico |
43:30 |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird migrates across Gulf of Mexico nonstop, to Mexici, feeds on
Delphinium nectar, then to Panama |
46:15 |
Dickcissels migrate in gigantic flocks, up to half a million strong, to Venezuala farms |
48:50 | Humminbirds feeding, pollinate plants |
50:00 | Andean Hillstar feeds on
Chuquiragua , torpor at night |
50:50 |
Giant Hummingbird feeds on
Puya , nests on cactus bound with spider webs, feeds young with nectar |
| |
| |
 01:30 Streaked Shearwater |
 03:05 Ringneck Dove |
 03:40 Waved Albatross |
 06:45 Great Knot |
 07:25 Mallard |
 08:00 Osprey |
 09:20 Great White Pelican in synchronized formation flying |
 11:00 Griffon Vulture sails on thermals |
 14:10 Brown Pelican |
 14:30 Whooper Swan |
 16:10 Golden Eagle |
 19:05 Sword-billed Hummingbird |
 19:30 Lesser Flamingo |
 20:50 Quail dust bathing |
 21:30 White Cockatoo |
 22:20 Crow anting |
 24:10 Peregrine Falcon diving |
 24:55 Barn Owl silent flight |
 26:50 Common Kestrel hovering |
 30:20 Andean Hillstar |
 31:45 Giant Hummingbird |
 32:30 Purple-throated Woodstar |
 33:00 Hummingbird Clearwing Moth |
 33:20 Snow Goose chicks |
 35:00 Western Sandpiper |
 35:25 Dickcissel feeds young |
 36:10 Red-tailed Hawk chick |
 39:10 Snow Goose |
 43:30 Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
 43:30 Delphinium |
 46:15 Dickcissels |
 50:00 Chuquiragua |
 50:50 Giant Hummingbird |
 50:50 Puya |