Chapter 50: Sensory and Motor Mechanisms

sensory_pathway Stretch: also in knee-jerk. If a tree falls and no animal hears it: no sound is perceived.
mechano Naked dendrite: not encapsulated by connective tissue. Hair movement: FEEL hair!
electromagneticB Magnetite found in birds, salmon, sea turtles, not whales.
ear Eustachian tube equalizes pressure w pharynx; hammer anvil stirrup.
basilar Primary sensory areas in temporal lobe.
pitch Wave energy dissipated at round window.
equilibrium Balance: can control equilibrium - no acceleration.
Utricle and saccule detect gravity w otoliths (Ca carbonate).
tongue Umami=tasty.
eye Conjunctiva=mucous membrane over sclera.
lens Ligaments connect bones at joints.
retina Horizontal and amacrine cells integrate information across the retina.
Neurotransmitter glutamate to bipolar cells.
Review Vertebrate eye
SQ: 1=C?
AQ:           3=a  4=D?         7=a
CQ:      2-c  4=C
                          16=b     26=e
  1. Red kangaroos (larger, fewer than grey) inhabit dry climates: elastic tendons travel long distances, moisture from grass
  2. Ecosystem ecology: energy flow, chemical cycling.
  3. Abiotic wind: increase heat loss: evaporation and convection
  4. Drummer silty clay loam: crayfish channels under marshland conditions.
  5. lacustrine: lakel alluvium: clay/silt/gravel carried by rushing streams and deposited where the stream slows (flood plain, delta)
  6. O horizon: Organic, humus, leaf litter; Eluviation: downward movement of dissolved or suspended material within soil from rainfall
  7. Desert plants: C4 photosynthesis (oxaloacetate 4 carbons instead of 3–phosphoglycerate): no grana or photorespiration (no sugar or ATP) as CO2 levels drop and stomata close in C3 plants.