Chapter 56 Review: Conservation Biology and Restoration Ecology

  1. To ensure long-term survival of Yellowstone grizzly bears, a MVP of ________ is required.
    1. 1
    2. 5
    3. 10
    4. 50
    5. 500
  2. Red-cockaded woodpeckers nest by
    1. occupying empty cavities of dead pines.
    2. drilling in mature, living pines.
    3. taking over old owl nests.
    4. constructing underground burrows.
    5. feathering decaying logs.
  3. Brown-headed Cowbird are ________-adapted species.
    1. hunting
    2. edge
    3. fire
    4. urban
    5. house
  4. The scientific discipline to restore degraded ecosystems to a more natural state is called ________ ecology.
    1. landscape
    2. population
    3. community
    4. ecosystem
    5. restoration
  5. The North Atlantic bluefin tuna
    1. has been over-harvested.
    2. is a member of the Hundred Heartbeat Club.
    3. is extinct.
    4. is an introduced species.
    5. is an ecotones-adapted species.
  6. Boundaries between natural ecosystems are called
    1. ecolines.
    2. ecozones.
    3. ecohomes.
    4. economes.
    5. ecotones.
  7. The Javan rhinoceros is a member of the
    1. Hot Spot 500.
    2. Hundred Heartbeat Club.
    3. Recovered Top Ten.
    4. Fauna Final Four.
    5. Lost and Found Fifteen.