Chapter 26: Phylogeny and The Tree of Life

carnivora Badger, European Otter, coyote; gray wolf (dog Canis lupus familiaris).
Canidae: Genus Vulpes are foxes. Phylogeny=genealogy.
Homo_sapiens Class Mammalia, order Primates, Family Hominidae (apes).
phylogeny Homology vs. analogy; same figure as clade;
life Protista polyphyletic.
SQ 1=B  2=D  3=B  4=E
   5=d  6=c  7=d  8=a  9=e 10=c
AQ 1=A  2=e  3=c  4=d  5=a  6=a  7=b
   8=a  9=b 10=b 11=d 12=c 13=b 14=a 15=A
CQ 1=c  2=B  3=d  4=c  5=D
  21=a 22=E 23=b 24=c 25=e
  1. Cenozoic era: Tertiary (Paleogene, Neogene), Quaternary (Pleistocene, Holocene) periods. Campbell puts Pleistocene, Holocene epochs in Neogene period.
  2. Permian-Triassic extinction: "occurred at the time of enormous volcanic eruptions" Siberia, also Pangea, super-ocean Panthalassa, millions Y before extinction,
    continental area exceeded that of oceanic area for the first time in geological history.
  3. Banded iron in marine sediments: 3.5-2.7 billion YA, then terrestrial rocks oxidized due to atmospheric oxygen.
  4. Plastids (ch5). Amyloplasts are colorless plastids that store starch (amylose), particularly in roots and tubers.