Chapter 28: Protists

protista QR74.5 .B565 2004 The biology of protists (Circulation Desk) Ciliates has animation of cilia movement.
eukarya Unikonta include Fungi, Animalia: single/no flagellum.
plastid Chromoplasts make/store pigments; amyloplasts store starch.
euglenozoa Not all green
trypanosoma Tsetse biting flies feed on blood; can break b-b barrier.
plasmodium Zygote -> meiosis. SOME gametocytes (n) reinfect RBC. Fever: merozoites released from RBC?
dino Cellulose from photo hard to digest; carotenoids. dinos=whirling; deinos=terrible.
ciliates REVU conjugation.
amoebozoans Slime molds not fungi!
cellular Aggregate amoebae like scifi/horror movie; 200 µm not quite visible.
plasmodial Acellular (multinucleate)=diploid. See streaming in middle; maybe largest cell but G. algae Caulerpa.
diatom Yellow, not green; oil for biofuel?
seaweed BBC-BluePlanet/3.5_SeasonalSeas/#13:25 Kelp/bryozoans/Sea Otter feeds on shellfish
BBC-PlanetEarth/3.3_ShallowSeas/#29:00 Kelp forest preyed by sea urchins, creating urchin barrens
red_alga-Nori NORI. Agar (from agarose) is cell wall polysaccharide. Gelatin from collagen skin/bone.
green_alga Supercell larger than plasmodial, snorkeling in intertidal.
volvox Asexual not pregnant! Biflagellated like Chlamydomonas.
28&A 3: photosynthetic clades: Euglenid + Dino + Diatom; 17: Cellular slime mold is multicellular
1=d  6=d  8=a
1=e  6=c  8=a 11=c 18=c 20=d 23=c 25=b
  1. Gymnodinium catenatum causes red tide and Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP): Saxitoxin neurotoxin accumulates in Mussels filter feeders.
    Karenia brevis (formerly Gymnodinium breve.), carotenoids.
  2. Greek deino: terrible; dino: to whirl.
  3. Diatomaceous earth soft chalk-like sedimentary silica: filter, mild abrasive, mechanical insecticide, absorbent, cat litter, component of dynamite.
  4. 2ndary endosymbiosis chlorarachniophytes: vestigial nucleus, plastids surrounded by 4 membranes: inner and outer membranes of the ancient cyanobacterium, engulfed alga's plasma membrane, food vacuole.
  5. Conjugation: The micronucleus divides by meiosis; 3 of the 4 resulting nuclei disintegrate as will the macronucleus. The remaining haploid nucleus divides by mitosis producing an individual with 2 haploid nuclei.
    Conjugating individuals each exchange one of the nuclei. The 2 haploid nuclei then fuse producing a diploid nucleus.
  6. Eliminate transposons and other types of “selfish” DNA that can replicate within a genome. During conjugation, foreign genetic elements are excised when micronuclei develop into macronuclei. Up to 15% of a ciliate's genome may be removed in this way every time it undergoes conjugation.
  7. phyton: plant
  8. thallus: a plant body or fungus undifferentiated into stem, root, or leaf