Chapter 46 Review: Animal Reproduction

  1. The placenta is formed by tissues from the ________ and the ________ .
    1. uterus, ovary
    2. oviduct, follicle
    3. trophoblast, endometrium
    4. vagina, urethra
    5. blastocyst and zygote
  2. In humans, the male gonad is
    1. testis.
    2. scrotum.
    3. epididymis.
    4. penis.
    5. prostate.
  3. Menstrual flow is the loss of
    1. follicles from the ovary.
    2. endometrial tissue.
    3. the corpus luteum from the uterus.
    4. e[ithelial cells from the vagina.
    5. sperm from the oviduct.
  4. Sperm develop from stem cells called
    1. spermatogonia.
    2. spermatocytes.
    3. spermatids.
    4. angioserms.
    5. gymnosperms.
  5. In humans, eggs are produced in the
    1. ovary.
    2. oviduct.
    3. uterus.
    4. vagina.
    5. follicle.
  6. The fusion of male and female gametes form a fertilized egg called a(n)
    1. primary oocyte.
    2. secondary oocyte.
    3. follicle.
    4. zygote.
    5. blastula.