Chapter 48 Review: Neurons, Synapses, and Signaling

  1. The sodium-potassium pump is involved in
    1. insulating dendrites.
    2. insulating axons.
    3. diffusing neurotransmitters across the synapse.
    4. stimulating effectors.
    5. maintaining the resting potential.
  2. A nerve signal moves away from a neuron's cell body along
    1. dendrites.
    2. synaptic terminals.
    3. ganglia.
    4. axons.
    5. nodes of Ranvier.
  3. An axon may be covered with a ________ sheath that provide electrical insulation.
    1. actin
    2. myosin
    3. myelin
    4. dendritic
    5. synaptic
  4. What kind of neuron has the maximum number of synapses (up to 100,000) with other neurons?
    1. sensory neuron
    2. motor neuron
    3. interneuron
    4. intraneuron
    5. hyperneuron
  5. An action potential relayed along a myelinated axon "jumps" from ________ to ________.
    1. oligodendrocyte; Schwann cell
    2. node of Ranvier; Schwann cell
    3. node of Ranvier; node of Ranvier
    4. Schwann cell; Schwann cell
    5. Schwann cell; node of Ranvier
  6. The Ca2+ channels in the presynaptic membrane are
    1. ligand-gated.
    2. voltage-gated.
    3. antibody-gated.
    4. antigen-gated.
    5. hormonw-gated.
  7. EPSPs ________ the postsynaptic membrane.
    1. depolarize
    2. hyperpolarize
    3. prepolarize
    4. unpolarize
    5. overpolarize
  8. The resting potential of a neuron maintained by the
    1. sodium-potassium pump.
    2. proton pump.
    3. chloride pump.
    4. AV valve.
    5. SA node.