Chapter 54: Community Ecology

community BBC-LifeInTheUndergrowth/2.1_IntimateRelations/#44:10 Ichneumon wasp oviposits in catewrpillar; #11:30 Parasitoid wasp oviposits into gall wasp larva
character_displacement Geospiza/Tribulus SEEDS Puncturevine
batesian Green parrot snake: to 2m in Costa Rica.
mutualism BBC-LifeOnEarth/1.4_TheSwarmingHordes/#47:05 Bullhorn Acacia defended by Stinging Ants; #44:10 Parasol Ants; #17:45 Yucca
BBC-BluePlanet/3.6_CoralSeas/#4:10 Cleaner wrasse, 11:40 Crown-of-Thorns Starfish, Humphead Parrotfish
Nectaries at base of leaflets. Tough life of ants
commensalism BBC-LifeOfBirds/1.3_TheInsatiableAppetite/#41:00 European Robin, Magpie, Cattle Tyrant, Oxpeckers 46:40
diversity Shannon diversity index: sum the natural logarithms of relative abundance.
food_web-partial Estuary: Chrysaora quinquecirrha, Morone saxatilis -> bay anchovy
keystone-sea_otter BBC-PlanetEarth/3.3_ShallowSeas/#29:00 Kelp forest preyed by sea urchins, creating urchin barrens
Enhydra lutris in Alaska; orca prey: salmon, tuna, sharks, whales, seals.
succession-secondary 793,000 acres. log cabins from pines.
succession-primary FIREWEED=Erechtites hieracifolia in IL; mosses bryophytes -> climax also hemlock + sphagnum moss.
species-area 0,2 ha=0.5-acre; 1.9 billion ha=4.6 billion acres
SQ: 1=c  2=E?                                   10=c
AQ: 1=e  2=B  3=C
SQ: 1=d  2=c  3=c  4=a  5=a                     35=c
  1. Detritus
  2. Limiting nutrient: the element that must be added to increase production
  3. Sargasso: Horse Latitudes
  4. Caterpillar (Polyphemus on Acer?) 6% efficient.
  5. Standing crop: total dry weight of organisms in one trophic level
  6. Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest: since 1963
  7. Critical load: amount of nutrient that can be absorbed by plants in an ecosystem without damaging it
  8. PCB (Polychlorinated biphenyls) capacitors transformers, additives in pesticides, paints, adhesives, flame retardants.
    Rashes, liver damage; breast milk, underweight, behavior response.
    Estrogen levels: intersex, feminized males.
  9. CFC: refrigerants, aerosol sprays, blowing agents for styrofoam.